Barril | June 2021 | Wilfrido + Ramón García Sánchez | BRLRNG2106 | Fall 2022 Release | 72 bottles

After collecting seed from a micro-endemic and wild growing Agave angustifolia from their in-law’s land outside of Llano Grande, Miahuatlán, brothers Ramón and Wilfrido have continued to propagate this very unique agave back home in Logoche. It is known as Barril, but has absolutely no relation to the large Agave karwinskii types commonly found throughout Ejutla and the Central Valleys of Oaxaca. Despite having been identified as a type of Agave angustifolia, this maguey is unique in its own right, and is distinct from the commonly cultivated and much more well-known Espadin.

The family has planted these Barril agaves in different parcels, but the magueyes harvested for this batch came from a clay-rich, red earth stretch known as El Llano, and took twenty years to mature. Perhaps it was the two decades the magueyes spent growing in the field, or something related to the intrinsic qualities of the plant, but the aromas and flavors of this small production are incomparable to anything else from the region.


§  Maguey(es): Barril (Agave angustifolia var.)

§  Provenance of the maguey: Homegrown

§  Producer: Ramón and Wilfrido García Sánchez

§  Region: Logoche, Miahuatlán

§  Date of production: June 2021

§  Soil type: red earth/ tierra roja parcel known as El Llano

§  Rest time after harvest: five days

§  Oven: Conical earthen oven; six days with mesquite and oak wood

§  Rest time after oven: six days days

§  Maceration: Machete and mechanical shredder

§  Fermentation: Native yeasts; two 1200L Montezuma cypress sabino wood vats

§  Dry fermentation time: 24 hours

§  Wet fermentation time: six days

§  Distillation: 2x in copper pot stills

§  Final composition: Heads, hearts, and high-proof tails

§  Batch size: 100L

§  ABV: 47.1%