Ensamble Coyote, Tobalá, Tepextate, Bicuixe, Cuixe verde | June 2022 | Miguel Osorio Gutiérrez | ENNMOG2206 | Summer 2023 release | 174 bottles

“El Grillo” is a much loved and respected member of his community. From his mother’s side, Miguel Osorio Gutierrez descends from one of the founding families of Logoche, palenqueros who settled the area for the purpose of clandestine distillation of the different species of wild agave that grow in hills and ravines. Over the last decade, Miguel has been planting an impressive amount of various species of agave on his lands, but many these magueyes are only now beginning to mature. In the meantime, his productions remain small, crafting three or four batches a year, totaling around 400L annually.

This field blend was composed with nearly equal weight of five different varieties of agave endemic to this region of southern Oaxaca. Two large piñas of the rare cultivar Cuixe Verde were added to the mix of wild harvested Coyote, Tobalá, Tepextate, and Bicuixe selected from the hills and ravines of his family’s land. Harvest was done during the full moon of April 2022 and distillation completed on June 16, 2022. Carefully blending the various cuts of heads, hearts, and tails, Miguel composed a total of 110 liters at 46.9%.

§  Maguey(es): Coyote (Agave sp.), Tobalá (Agave aff. potatorum), Tepextate (Agave marmorata var.), Bicuixe (Agave karwinskii var.), Cuixe Verde (Agave karwinskii var.)

§  Provenance of the maguey: A mix homegrown and wild harvested maguey from family lands

§  Producer: Miguel Osorio Gutiérrez

§  Region: Logoche, Miahuatlán

§  Soil type: Rocky and red tierra colorada cascajo

§  Rest time after harvest: 12 days

§  Oven: Conical earthen pit; eight days with mesquite

§  Rest time after oven: Five days

§  Maceration: Machete and shredder

§  Fermentation: Native yeasts; one 1200L Montezuma cypress sabino wood tank with 600kg of cooked agave and 400L of water, and a second 1200L Montezuma cypress sabino wood tank with approximately 400kg cooked agave and 300L of water

§  Dry fermentation time: 24 hours

§  Wet fermentation time: Nine days

§  Distillation: 2x in copper pot stills

§  Final composition: Heads, hearts, and tails

§  Batch size: 110L

§  Date of distillation: June 2022

§  ABV: 46.9%