Cuixe Verde (Agave Karwinskii)

The Cuixe Verde is a very particular local karwinskii phenotype. It appears to be the product of open pollination and from seed is only found growing from what is collected from the regionally specific Madrecuixe, aptly named as the “mother” of agaves given the diverse offspring that is born from its seed. In eight to twelve years, Cuixe Verde grows extremely tall and thick, reaching over three meters in height. The plants can weigh hundreds of kilograms and yield a liter of spirits for every 6-8 kg of cooked agave. This plant does not produce seeds of its own, limiting its means of propagation to its rhizome system. There are very few farmers that have had the means or knowledge to propagate this varietal. As such, Verde is an extremely prized, but very rare cultivar.