Bicuixe | April 2020 | Celso García Cruz | BCXCEL2004 | Winter 2021 Release | 276 bottles

Always something special, Celso’s annual harvest and production of wild Bicuixe from his La Mina parcel of red, rocky, cascajudo earth, is a definitive representation of the landscapes and craftsmanship of Logoche. Harvested in the hot and arid month of April, a mix of 300 quitudo and guía Bicuixe magueyes were selected and designated for this batch, keeping to a tried and true recipe with which the Maestro has much experience. This bottling is the forth springtime Bicuixe from Celso available exclusively through our collaborators in France, The Mezcal Brothers; and just like the others, is a stellar showcasing of Celso’s skills in the palenque and the uniqueness of the region.

♣Maguey(es): Bicuixe (Agave karwinskii var.)
♣Provenance of the maguey: Wild harvest from family land
♣Producer: Celso García Cruz
♣Region: Logoche, Miahuatlán
♣Date of production: April 2020
♣Soil type: red, rocky earth – cascajo colorado
♣Rest time after harvest: eight days
♣Oven: Conical earthen oven; six days with tepehuahe and rebiguano

♣Rest time after oven: four days
♣Maceration: Machete and mechanical shredder
♣Fermentation: Native yeasts; three 1200L Montezuma cypress sabino

wood vats
♣Dry fermentation time: one day
♣Wet fermentation time: six days
♣Distillation: 2x in copper pot stills
♣Final composition: Heads, hearts, and a splash of distilled water ♣Batch size: 200L
♣ABV: 48%