Tobalá cultivado | May 2020 | Tomás García Cruz | TBLTGC2005 | Winter 2021 Release | 78 bottles

This 60L batch was the first experimentation in cultivation and production of Tobalá plants grown by Don Tomás García Cruz and his sons. While the family has been cultivating different species of agave for an extended period of time, only in the last six years did they start to plant Tobalá from seed. The collection of these seeds came from wild mother-plants found on family lands composed of steep and white, rocky terrain- where Tobala, Tepextate, and Coyote thrive. Don Tomas estimates that their local Tobala matures in the wild in 12-15 years, so he was pleasantly surprised at the pace of growth of their cultivated plants. The agave used in this batch come from seed that was planted in 2014, along a white and rocky soil hillside, and began to flower in 2019 and early 2020. In April of 2020, the family selected 20 capón Tobala that were ripe and ready for harvest. The end results were marvelous in all regards, and this bottling reflects the hard work, creativity, and craftsmanship of the family García. Their success with cultivation has been an inspiration for the growers and producers of Logoche, and marks the start of a new wave of practices in the region.

♣Maguey(es): Tobala Cultivado (Agave potatorum + Agave seemanniana) ♣Provenance of the maguey: Homegrown
♣Producer: Tomás García Cruz & Sons
♣Region: Logoche, Miahuatlán

♣Date of production: May 2020
♣Soil type: White, rocky soil – Blanquisca cascajo
♣Rest time after harvest: Two days
♣Oven: Conical earthen oven; Six days with mesquite and oak ♣Rest time after oven: Three days
♣Maceration: Machete and mechanical shredder
♣Fermentation: Native yeasts; Montezuma cypress sabino wood vat ♣Dry fermentation time: 48 hours
♣Wet fermentation time: 10 days
♣Distillation: 2x in copper pot stills
♣Final composition: Heads, hearts, and a touch of colas
♣Batch size: 60L
♣ABV: 46.8%